Hotfix Update Patch Notes

General Updates:
Renamed Card: The card "Balefire" has been renamed to "Haman", along with updated artwork.
Increased Rewards and Daily Limit:
Victory in Ranked mode: 500 Crowns.
Defeat in Ranked mode: 250 Crowns.
Victory in Casual mode: 300 Crowns.
Defeat in Casual mode: 150 Crowns.
Increased daily limit from 625 Crowns to 6,250 Crowns.
Gameplay Adjustments:
Game Modes Timer Adjustment: Increased the timer in Casual Play and Practice Play to 120 seconds without affecting other game modes.
Mana Recovery Update: Updated card keywords and descriptions to replace "Gain" with "Recover" for better clarity.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed an issue where the game didn't start automatically after the mulligan timer (1 minute) expired.
Bleed Damage Fix: Fixed an issue where the Bleed effect dealt damage to a card before reducing the opponent's mana, causing inconsistencies.
Darkhound Ability Fix: Resolved an issue where Darkhound did not reduce the opponent's mana when applying the Bleed effect.
Sovin Nai Aether Issue: Fixed incorrect Aether gain mechanics for Sovin Nai, ensuring proper limits are respected.
Chronicles Effect Exception: Fixed an exception caused by the Chronicles card when interacting with non-Legendary cards and specific mechanics.
Cuendillar Seal Targeting Bug: Fixed an issue where Cuendillar Seal couldn’t target opponent’s cards correctly.
Gara Doon Damage Calculation: Resolved an issue with Gara Doon’s damage calculation, ensuring it accurately reflects the number of slain creatures.
Tutorial Reward Display: Fixed a bug where the tutorial reward only appeared after re-authorization instead of immediately after tutorial completion.
Quality of Life Improvements:
Updated Gameboard: Added animation to the "End Turn" button for a more dynamic gameplay experience.
Tooltip Hover Enhancement: Improved tooltip behavior to prevent disappearing text during opponent actions.
Emotes Limit Fix: Adjusted emote usage limits, allowing up to 3 emotes consecutively with a 45-second cooldown.
Board Card Preview: Added the ability to preview cards on the board by right-clicking them, just like in the hand.
Button Swap in Settings Menu: Switched the positions of "Surrender" and "Create Report" buttons for improved accessibility.
Chronicles Card Recording: Ensured the Chronicles card records only non-Legendary cards as intended.