Cards Of Eternity 0.52.51 Patch Notes

General Changes
The main game screen has been updated for improved navigation.
The game modes screen has been modified.
The game settings screen has been modified.
We will continue to improve the game's UI with each patch; the deck builder is next in line. Please be patient and thank you for your understanding as we work on these enhancements.
Quality of Life
Added new Rarity labels: Promo, Referral, Curse and Founder cards to ensure accurate representation in the Deckbuilder.
The 3D Game Board has been replaced.
From now on, all keywords without a specified duration will be effective indefinitely. For example:
Apply Solace for 1 round. The effect will last for 1 round.
Apply Solace. The effect will last indefinitely until ended by a trigger.
We have slightly improved the visibility of enemy cards after using Raken's ability, but we understand it is still not ideal. We are working on further enhancements, which will be included in the next patch.
Bug Fixes
Fixed: Game displayed an invalid error message on the login screen when no game state was initiated.
Fixed: Liandrin Guirale did not properly execute her Requiem effect after being destroyed.
Fixed: Faile Bashere's artwork positioning was incorrect.
Fixed: Chora The Tree of Life did not receive the Spellbreak effect from Black Wind.
Fixed: XP was not updating correctly in the quest table after wins or losses.
Fixed: The Dark Regent's cost reduction calculation issues.
Fixed: Incorrect glow effects for adventurers and cards in Aes Sedai Vault chest.
Fixed: Chronicles trigger issues with returned or silenced cards.
Fixed: Double Requiem triggers issue.
Fixed: "Whirlwind" keyword removal with "Silence" effect.
Fixed: Weave Alignment effect activation issues.
New Affinity System
The old Races and Elements system has been completely removed from the game. It has been replaced with the new Affinity system, consisting of Light, Shadow, and Neutral affinities. Every card in the game now possesses its own Affinity, forming the foundation for future synergies.
The Gauntlet
We have temporarily disabled the game mode The Gauntlet as it is undergoing certain changes and improvements. We will bring it back as soon as possible.
Store Changes
Lanfear Emotes added.
Reduced the prices of Aes Sedai Vault (1680) and Warder's Chest (1500) in Aes Sedai Gems.
Increased the price of the Seanchan Chest to 15700 crowns.
Decreased the price of the Lost Legends Chest to 2400 crowns.
Increased the price of the Tar Valon Chest to 9000 crowns.
Adventurer Changes
Ability changed to: At the start of the match, Mark 5 random cards in the opponent's deck. At the start of your turn, Mark an additional random non-Legendary card in the opponent's deck. Whenever the opponent draws a Marked card, create a Copy of it. When they play a Marked card, restore 1 Sacrifice Crystal (up to three times per match).
Ability changed to: Return two lowest-health Beings to your hand at -1 cost in default state. They can Debut twice per match. Cannot return Beings with Guardian, Inquisitor's Dome, or Twilight Cloak.
Companion Changes
Ability changed to: Deal 3 damage to selected enemy Being, then 2 and 1 damage to two random enemy Beings. All three gain Bleed for 2 rounds.
Ability changed to: Each time an enemy Being dies, Draghkar harvests 1 soul. If Draghkar has 10 souls, you are able to use Enigma: Heal your Adventurer for 10 Health and give Bloodlust to 2 random Beings in your hand or Execute a random enemy Being and regain 1 sacrifice crystal.
Name Changes
Tergy renamed to Gara Doon
Aureon renamed to Firewarden
Konynth renamed to Stonebreaker
Gaddress renamed to Zomara
Posera renamed to Wavecaller
Gog'tomak renamed to Bogstrider
Keyword Changes
Changed to: At the start of its turn, the Being loses 1 HP and forces its Adventurer to lose 1 current Aether.
Changed to: While this Being is on the board, it records each non-legendary card you play. When this Being dies, create copies of those cards and add them to your hand.
Removed Keywords
Wound - Completely removed from the game
Alpha Instinct - Completely removed from the game
New Cards
Type: Curse Card
Cost: 2
While this card is in your hand, all cards in your hand cost a random amount of Aether up to +2/-2.
Card Balance Changes
Elyas Machera
Elyas Machera
Whirlwind. After attacking heals your Adventurer for 2.
Disarming Winds
Disarming Winds
Reveal. Apply Silence to selected Being and -1/0 afterwards.
Kin Healer
Kin Healer
Attack: 1
Health: 4
Cost: 4
Attack: 4
Health: 1
Cost: 3
Silver foxhead medallion
Silver foxhead medallion
Attack: 0
Durability: 3
Cost: 3
Night Terror
Night Terror
Attack: 3
Health: 1
Cost: 3
Debut: Opponent discards 1 card.
Damer Flinn
Damer Flinn
End of your turn: Give your random Being +0/2. Heal your Adventurer by 2.
Divine Intervention
Divine Intervention
Attack: 0
Health: 0
Cost: 6
Duadhe Mahdi'in
Duadhe Mahdi'in
Attack: 2
Health: 3
Cost: 4
Aran'gar and Osan'gar
Aran'gar and Osan'gar
Attack: 3
Durability: 2
Cost: 4
Whirlwind. Discipline. Reveal. Venomous Touch.